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Spring Budget - March 2024

Published March 7th 2024

On 6 March, Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt delivered his Spring Budget to the House of Commons declaring it was “a Budget for long-term growth.”

The fiscal update included a number of new policy measures, such as a widely-anticipated reduction in National Insurance, abolition of the non-dom tax status and new savings products designed to encourage more people to invest in UK assets. The Chancellor said his policies would help build a “high wage, high skill economy” and deliver “more investment, more jobs, better public services and lower taxes.”

Download your copy today to read further.

Autumn Statement - November 2023

Published November 23rd 2023

On November 22nd, Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt unveiled the government’s latest tax and spending plans saying “we back British business” announcing 110 growth measures which he said would boost business investment by £20bn a year.


The Chancellor said the government had taken difficult decisions to put the economy “back on track” and claimed, “our plan for the British economy is working.” He also stressed that “the work is not done,” before outlining his package of measures which he said would cut business taxes, raise business investment and get more people into work.


To find out more about the plan and to read the full document, you can download your free copy via the link:

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Autumn Updates - October 2023

Published October 4th 2023

A helping hand for mortgage holders was announced during the summer by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt with a view to providing support to residential mortgage customers suffering from rising interest rates. Our latest article goes into detail about these changes.


In addition to 'Your Home Finance', we also have the Autumn editions of 'Your Money' and 'Your Wealth' available.

Download your copies today to read further.

Economic Review - July 2023

Published August 1st 2023

UK inflation rate declines.


Data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed the UK inflation rate fell by more than expected in June, leading analysts to predict that interest rates are now likely to rise less sharply than previously feared.

The latest inflation statistics revealed that the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) 12-month rate – which compares prices in the current month with the same period a year earlier – stood at 7.9% in June. This was significantly below the previous month’s figure of 8.7% and also lower than the 8.2% consensus forecast from a Reuters poll of economists.


To find out more about the data and to read the full document, you can download your free copy via the link:

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Economic Review - June 2023

Published July 7th 2023

The Bank of England (BoE) has sanctioned another hike in its benchmark interest rate after citing ‘significant upside news’ which suggests inflation is likely to take longer to fall back to the Bank’s target level.


Following its latest meeting, which concluded on 21 June, the BoE’s nine-member Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) voted by a 7-2 majority to raise Bank Rate by half a percentage point. This was the 13th successive increase taking rates to 5.0%, their highest level for 15 years.

Download your copy today to read further.

Spring Budget - 2023

Published March 16th 2023

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, delivered his first Spring Budget on 15 March declaring it was “A Budget for Growth.”


The fiscal update included a range of new measures, some of which had been widely trailed prior to Budget day, in order to achieve growth “by removing obstacles that stop businesses investing; by tackling labour shortages that stop them recruiting; by breaking down barriers that stop people working; and by harnessing British ingenuity to make us a science and technology superpower.”


To find out more about what was said by Mr Hunt and to read the full document, you can download your free copy via the link:

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Autumn Statement - November 2022

Published November 21st 2022

On 17 November, Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt delivered his fiscal plan.


To “tackle the cost-of-living crisis and rebuild our economy”, Mr Hunt stated that the government’s three priorities are “stability, growth and public services.” The Chancellor struck a defiant tone during the key fiscal event, saying he was “taking difficult decisions” that would deliver a “balanced path to stability” before outlining a package of measures equating to a consolidated total of around £55bn in spending cuts and tax rises.

Download your copy today to read further.

Market Commentary - 2022

Published October 17th 2022

With 2022 proving to be a challenging year for all in many ways, Simon Chicken, Divisional Director at Brewin Dolphin, gives an insight into how factors have impacted the investment markets. 


To find out more about what was said by Mr Chicken and to read the full Market Commentary, you can download your free copy via the link:

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Fiscal Statement - September 2022

Published September 27th 2022

A series of tax cuts and measures aimed at boositng economic activity and growth.

Moving straight to the pressing matter of energy costs, Mr Kwarteng reiterated steps taken to support families and businesses, including the Energy Price Guarantee, the Energy Bill Relief Scheme and the Energy Markets Financing Scheme.


To find out more about what was said by Mr Kwarteng and to read the full statement, you can download your free copy via the link.

Quarterly Review - Q2 2022

Published July 13th 2022

At the end of the second quarter of the year, Guy Foster, Chief Strategist at Brewin Dolphin, looks back at the events that have shaped the markets over the past three months.

2022 has so far proven to be a particularly challenging year for investors. The most common threat to equity values is a recession. As the risk increases, investors anticipate falling profits, but they can usually balance that with the comforting expectation of a cut in interest rates by central banks.

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Forecast Statement - Spring 2022

Published March 23rd 2022

Economic Forecasts, Cost of Living Measures, Taxation and much more

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, delivered his 2022 Spring Statement on 23 March, confirming implementation of the politically contentious 1.25 percentage-point rise in most National Insurance contributions, though with revised thresholds to mitigate the impact. He declared that his overall plan “builds a stronger, more secure economy for the United Kingdom.” The fiscal update included a number of specific measures and a new ‘Tax Plan’ which the Chancellor said would help families with the cost-of-living squeeze. Mr Sunak said, “People should know that we will stand by them, as we have throughout the last two years.”


Your Home Finance - Autumn 2020

Published October 9th 2020

New property trends emerge following lockdown

The property market is gradually showing signs of recovery and a number of new trends are emerging. It’s likely that these trends will continue to influence the market over the coming months.

Your Money - Autumn 2020

Published October 9th 2020

Maintain your retirement focus, whether you’re 20 or 50+

Nearly a fifth of people (18%) aged 50 and over say their retirement plans have already been impacted or may be impacted by the pandemic, recent research has revealed2. Of these respondents, 25% say they have not been able to retire due to their finances, a fifth have had to use some of their retirement savings whilst out of work and 10% have retired sooner than they had originally planned due to redundancy caused by the pandemic.


Your Wealth - Autumn 2020

Published October 8th 2020

Covid - a true black swan event?

The severity of the impact of the pandemic on economies and societies around the globe has been overwhelming; it seems not one person has been free of its force. However, critics are unrelenting in their claims that the ramifications could (and should) have been anticipated. Does this make COVID-19 qualify as a ‘black swan’ event?

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